Our Leadership Board

The leadership board is elected by the BFP General Meeting for a period of five years. The leadership board - together with the presidium - bears the responsibility for the Association.

Our Self-conception

The self-conception of the BFP includes three main features: We are pentecostal movement, we are a association of local churches and we are a goverment independent.

Our Direction & Vision

In its 2013 retreat, our leadership board formulated a direction and vision in seven points.

Our creed

As Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden we have formulated a confession of faith which unites us as local churches.

Our Churches

The heart of the BFP are its churches - in their diversity and variety a real enrichment.

Our structure

The BFP is an evangelical goverment independent church and a public corporation (KdöR).

Consti­tution, Guide­lines & Other Documents

Constitution and guideline of the BFP form a setting, in which the togetherness is regulated.

Statistics and figures on the BFP

An overview of developments of the BFP and how these statistics are collected.

Our history

For many decades, the BFP has been a movement and association of pentecostal churches in Germany - despite modest beginnings.

Membership in BFP

Local churches, full-time pastors and spiritual leaders can become members of the BFP.

Pente­costal move­ment world­wide

Pentecostal awakenings and Pentecostal churches by nature and experience can be found all over the world.

Inter­church relations

The BFP maintains inter­church relations at various levels.