Constitution, Guidelines & Other Documents
of the Association of Pentecostal Churches in Germany (BFP)
The Executive Leadership and the Presidium of the BFP have adopted various documents or submitted them to the Federal Conference for approval. These became effective on the date indicated on the documents and are considered published when they are made available on this page.
The version in the original language is binding in any case.
of the Association of Pentecostal Churches in Germany (BFP)
Association of Pentecostal Churches in Germany (BFP)
[Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden KdöR]
Registered office of the corporation: Industriestraße 6-8, 64390 Erzhausen
The churches united in the Association of Pentecostal Churches in Germany emerged from the worldwide revivalism movement, which was known as the "Pentecostal Revival", and belong to the World Pentecostal Movement.
They know themselves to be united by their confession of the Triune God, who reveals Himself through the inspired Word of the Holy Scripture.
They believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world, who commissioned his church to testify to the gospel to all people and to baptise those who have become believers in him.
They teach rebirth by the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Spirit as empowerment for witnessing. They also profess the church of believers according to the Original Christian model, in which the Holy Spirit makes Himself known through gifts of grace, ministries and works.
They are waiting for the return of Jesus Christ for the Rapture of His church, resurrection of the dead, the establishment of His kingdom, an eternal life and an eternal judgement.
They represent freedom of faith, conscience and assembly, the separation of church and state, the principle of the autonomy of the local church as well as its binding union into a community of faith (Association) as the realisation of the biblical testimony of the New Testament church.
of the Association of Pentecostal Churches in Germany (BFP)
1 In addition to the Constitution, the ”BUND FREIKIRCHLICHER PFINGSTGEMEINDEN” (he- reinafter referred to as BFP or Association) adopts the following guidelines, which are binding on its members in accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution.
2 Their compilation is based on previous resolutions and is supplemented by growth-related, necessary regulations.
3 The prerequisite for their right understanding and fruitful evaluation is a relationship of brotherly trust with each other. Only then is blessed cooperation as an Association possible.
4 These guidelines may be amended or supplemented by resolution of the BFP General Meeting.
(Decided by the Presidium of the BFP in Erzhausen on 06.09.2017
Adopted by the BFP General Meeting on 26.09.2017)
Table of contents
1 We believe and teach
2 Self-conception and tasks
3 Membership
4 Church membership
5 The BFP General Meeting
6 Regions and church associations
7 Presidium
8 BFP council and honorary members
9 BFP works, other works and institutions in the Association
Other Documents
(only available in German)
Data protection regulation
Verlautbarung zum Thema "Kirchenehe" (2009)
Verlautbarung zum Thema "Prädestination" (2009)
Stellungnahme zum Thema "Homosexualität" (Kurzfassung, 2013)
"EINMAL UND FÜR IMMER" - Stellungnahme des BFP-Präsidiums zum Eheschluss (2016)
"EINMAL UND FÜR IMMER" - Thesen des BFP-Präsidiums zum Eheschluss (2016)
Stellungnahme des BFP-Präsidiums zu "Grundlegenden Wirkungen des Heiligen Geistes auf das Leben des Menschen" (2019)
Stellungnahme des BFP-Präsidiums - "Leitung im Neuen Testament: Voraussetzungen - Funktionen - Modelle" (2021)