Legal notice
Responsible for the content of the BFP Internet presence:
Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden KdöR
Industriestraße 6-8
64390 Erzhausen
Telephone (office): +49 (0) 6150 / 9737-0
Fax (office): +49 (0) 6150 / 9737-97
You can reach the Federal Data Protection Officer at:
Bank details "Bundeskasse des BFP":
Spar-und Kreditbank Bad Homburg eG
IBAN: DE18 5009 2100 0000 0200 44
The "Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden KdöR" is a public corporation with headquarter in Erzhausen near Darmstadt.
It is represented by the Praeses Friedhelm Holthuis.
Responsible for the website:
General Secretary Peter Bregy (pb).
Other staff members:
Daniel Aderhold (da)
Markus Knitz (mk)
Note: This imprint also expressly applies to our offerings our social media channels on Facebook, Instgram, YouTube and Twitter.
Film and picture credits:
Slowmotion startpage: "Cityscape and skyline of Frankfurt, Germany at dawn - view from Nordend to the financial and downtown district" by compressor at
Page graphics, unless otherwise indicated
Photos of the Executive Board (Our Executive Board/Press) - Stefan Mikolon
Photos of the regional presidents (regions of the BFP) - Stefan Mikolon
Photos of former presidents (press) - unbekannt/privat