of the Association of Pentecostal Churches in Germany (BFP)
The BFP is goverment independent - an "evangelical free church"* and a body under public law (KdöR). It has a congregational-synodal structure with the General Meeting as the most important decision-making body. The delegates, pastors and employees of the churches and ministries in the BFP form regions and associations. Within these regions and associations, the common knowing and serving, the fellowship and the spiritual togetherness are of fundamental importance.
The leadership of the Association is carried out by the Board and the Presidium. The executive board is responsible for the administration and the legal business.
Membership in the BFP is understood as a "brotherhood" in which one is embedded theologically, relationally and bindingly and in which one complements and helps each other.
*In Germany, for historical reasons, there are "state churches", which include the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. These are linked to the state in a special way. In contrast, "free churches" (all other denominations) are independent of the state.